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INTEL Capstone

Interlibrary Loan Borrowing

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) borrowing is available to current CCU faculty/staff/students, Scholars Academy students, and Emeritus Faculty/Staff.

  • You will be prompted to request materials through ILL in OneSearch only when materials are not available in the University Library's collection or through PASCAL Delivers. You must use the "expand my results" option to ensure materials are not available.
  • Loan periods for ILL materials are determined by the lending library.
  • Borrowed materials must be returned on or before the due date.
  • Renewals may be requested through your library account, but must be approved by the lending library.
  • The library patron is responsible for lost or damaged materials and all billing is determined by the lending library.
  • Library patrons must pay damaged or lost billing promptly to avoid loss of borrowing privileges.
  • Turnaround time for ILL materials range from 1 week to several weeks, depending upon the availability of the requested materials.


ILL Direct Link

The direct link for requesting material via Inter-Library can be found below.

1) Have you searched OneSearch and are unable to find the material?

2) Have you expanded your search to include PASCAL Delivers materials? (Items held by other SC Academic Libraries as part of the PASCAL Delivers Consortium)

3) If you have exhausted the above search options, please request the material using the ILL Request Form. If the material you are requesting is available through either of the above links, your request will be converted to a University Libraries material request or a PASCAL Deliver's request.