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Draft Coach by Turnitin


              checkmarck          I have three Similarity Checks.  When should I use them?


Option 1:  I like to draft the whole assignment before making revisions.  Consider the following: 

First Check: Complete your entire draft and then run your first Similarity Check to reveal places where you may need to revise, add citations, or more effectively paraphrase.  Revise your draft as needed.

Second Check:  After making revisions to your draft, run a new Similarity Check to see if your changes were effective. Evaluate any remaining instances of similarity.  Revise as needed.

Third Check: Run your final Similarity Check and make any last-minute revisions before submitting your work to your professor.

Option 2: I like to continually make revisions as I draft .  Consider the following:

First Check: Create a plan for when you will pause to evaluate the similarity in your writing.  Complete a portion of your draft, including all citations, and then run your first Similarity Check.  Evaluate your use of citations and quotation marks.  Revise your draft as needed.

Second Check:  After making revisions continue drafting your assignment, adding citations to your newly drafted text based on what you've learned from your first check.  Run your second Similarity Check, evaluating any instances of similarity as identified by Draft Coach.  Revise as needed.

Third Check: Finish drafting your assignment and make any final revisions. Run your final Similarity Check and be sure that you have evaluated all instances of similarity.  Make any final revisions before submitting your paper to your professor.

           check mark              I have unlimited Citations Check.  When should I use them?


Option 1: I like to add citations when I finish my draft.  Consider the following:

First Check:  Complete your entire draft then run your first Citations Check to reveal places where you may need to revise, add citations, or add references.  Revise your draft as needed.

Second Check:  After making revisions to your draft, run a new Citations Check to see if your changes were effective.  Evaluate any citation and/or reference Issues that remain in the Issues section of the report.  Revise as needed.

Third Check:  Continue the revision and Citations Check cycle until you are satisfied with the citations and references included in your assignment.

Option 2:  I like to add citations as I write my draft.  Consider the following:

First Check: Complete a portion of your draft, including citations and references, and then run your first Citations Check.  Evaluate your use of citations and references using the Issues section of the report.  Revise your draft as needed.

Second Check:  After making revisions, continue drafting your assignment, adding citations to your newly drafted text based on what you've learned from your first check.  Run your second Citations Check, evaluating any issues identified by Draft Coach.  Revise as needed.

Third Check and After:  Continue the revision and Citations Check cycle until you are satisfied with the citations and references included in your assignment. 

Final Check: Finish drafting and make any final revisions.  Run a final Citations Check before submitting your work to your professor.

              check mark       I have unlimited Grammar Checks.  When should I use them?



Option 1:  I like to check my grammar all at once when I finish my draft.  Consider the following:

First Check:  Complete your entire draft before running your first Grammar Check with Turnitin Grammar Guide.  Use the guidance included with each issue in your report to evaluate when you may need to correct mistakes in grammar, mechanics, usage, and structure, and revise your draft as needed.  Consider the guidance in the "What should I do with these results?" link if you need help getting started.

Second Check:  After making corrections to your draft, run a second Grammar Check to see if your changes were effective.  Evaluate any remaining issues and revise as needed.

Third Check and After:  Continue the revision and Grammar Check cycle until you are satisfied with the language included in your assignment.

Final Check: Run your final Grammar Check with Turnitin Grammar Guide to make any last-minute revisions before submitting your work to your professor.

Option 2:  I like to check my grammar as I write my draft.  Consider the following:

First Check: Draft a portion of your assignment and then run your first Grammar Check with Turnitin Grammar Guide.  Evaluate your results using issues and associated guidance presented in your report.  Revise your writing as needed.  Consider the guidance in the "What should I do with these results?" link to help you determine the best approach for revising your work.

Second Check:  After making revisions, continue drafting your assignment, crafting your language based on what you've learned from your first check.  Then run your second Grammar Check, evaluating any new issues identified by Turnitin Grammar Guide.  Revise as needed.

Third Check and After:  Continue the drafting, revision, and Grammar Check cycle until you are satisfied with the language included in your assignment.

Final Check: Finish writing your draft and make any final revisions.  Run a final Grammar Check with Turnitin Grammar Guide and correct any lingering issues before submitting your work to your professor.