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Search Hints:

Advanced Search:  type in garment name (corset, dress, shoe) in search box, then select Fashion, Costume, and Jewelry under Classification drop down menu on left. Next, select your date range (use CE), ex. 1800-1820. Press the Search button to retrieve images of your garment by date.

Berg Fashion Library

Berg Fashion Library

Thousands of images from museums worldwide, e-books, and the complete Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion. This is the database for the history of dress and fashion.  Create a free account to save images.

Search Hints

  • In the Browse box, type in the century or dates and the name of the garment. Select images to see garments that fit your criteria.
  • In Advanced search, select item title and type in the name of the garment. in the results, select images, then on the left, select the date range for the garment you want.

Library of Congress Materials

Ornament and Pattern