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SOC 101: Introductory Sociology

This guide will help students in Sociology 101 find books and peer-reviewed articles on topics they are researching.

Popular Articles vs. Scholarly Articles

There are many different types of articles, but most can be categorized as being either popular or scholarly. Here's a quick overview:

Some examples of popular publications: Some examples of scholarly publications:
Time magazine cover Vogue magazine cover   Billboard magazine cover American Journal of Sociology   Sociological Inquiry  American sociological Review

Some examples of publications with popular articles are Time, Vogue, and Billboard.  Some examples of publications with scholarly articles are the American Journal of Sociology, the American Sociological Review, and Sociological Inquiry.

Here is a quick overview of the different characteristics:

Popular vs. scholarly characteristics chart

Parts of an Empirical Research Article

Some types of scholarly articles are called empirical research articles because they report the results of an original study or experiment conducted by the researcher. These types of articles are easily identifiable because they often include these specific sections in them: