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History - The Golden Age of Piracy

Full text newspapers, magazines and books from 1690's-1800's



Colonial Period Newspaper Archives from 1736-1800

SC Newspapers (1732-1780), 

Pennsylvania Gazette (1728-1800)

Virginia Gazette (1736-1780)

From dropdown menu of sources, select all titles listed for each of the three publications (the titles of the newspapers changed frequently in this period) to find contemporary accounts of piracy including trials and hangings.  Search all spelling variations of the word "pirate" and "piracy"

 America's Historical Newspapers (1690 -1870)

Select Early Colonial Period (1690-1729), , and as your time periods. Search all spelling variations of the word "pirate" and "piracy"

Piratical Spellings

Use all the variants of spelling Pirate when searching the archives and databases.

  • pyrate
  • pyracy
  • piracy
  • pirates
  • pyrates

Spelling wasn't standardized in this period, so if you want to find all the information, search using all the spellings.