Articles in agriculture, plant and animal sciences, forestry, entomology, soil and water resources, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, alternative farming practices, and food and nutrition.
Sustainable Communities and Green Lifestyles by Tendai ChitewereSustainable communities raise questions about the compatibility of capitalism and environmentalism and how we can green our way of life in a capitalist economy that values short-term production and consumption over long-term conservation and simple living. If capitalism and its drive towards consumption has produced social and environmental degradation, is it the best medium to identify solutions?  Sustainable Communities and Green Lifestyles examines one ecovillage as it attempts to create a sense of community while reducing its impact on the natural environment. Through extensive participant observation, the book demonstrates how ecovillages are immersed within a larger discourse of class, race, and lifestyle choices, highlighting the inseparability of environmental sustainability and social justice. Sustainable communities are confronted by the contradictions of green consumption and must address social inequality or risk focusing inward on personal green consumerism, creating mere green havens for the few who can afford to live in them. This book, cautious of redirecting environmentalist efforts away from structural solutions and onto personal environmentalism, offers a critical perspective on the challenges of an emerging green lifestyle. This book offers a critical perspective on the direction of US environmentalism and contributes to debates in environmental studies, anthropology, and urban planning.
ISBN: 9781138775404
Publication Date: 2017-08-24
Sustainable Consumption by Audley Genus (Editor)This book originates from the work of contributors to initiatives and global networks promoting and pursuing lines of enquiry that recognise and probe relationships between sustainable consumption, design and production, and the implications of those relationships for new economic activity and the way we live and govern ourselves. It features contributions from social scientists (e.g. from the fields of innovation studies, geography, environmental policy and sociology) and practitioners, serving to generate a short-list of research perspectives and topics around which future research and actions in practice will be orientated. The book consists of ten chapters divided into three parts, focusing on: perspectives/methodological insights; empirical work integrating consumption and production; and site-specific practitioner-oriented case studies. The conclusion examines the key aspects of policy, research and practical implications.
ISBN: 9783319296630
Publication Date: 2016-06-03
Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture by Muhammad Farooq (Editor); Michele Pisante (Editor)This volume is a ready reference on sustainable agriculture and reinforce the understanding for its utilization to develop environmentally sustainable and profitable food production systems. It describes ecological sustainability of farming systems, present innovations for improving efficiency in the use of resources for sustainable agriculture and propose technological options and new areas of research in this very important area of agriculture.