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Access Services

AS Policies

CCU Students & Scholars Academy Students

CCU Students & Scholars Academy Students

A valid CINO card is required to borrow materials.

Borrowing Materials:

  • University Libraries owned materials are loaned for the entire semester and must be returned by the end of each semester.  Materials may be renewed once, provided there is not an outstanding request for the same material by another patron.
  • University Libraries owned equipment including laptops, MacBooks, calculators, cameras, tripods etc. are located at the Thompson Circulation Desk and check out for the entire semester. Materials may not be renewed. A completed Equipment Liability form is required prior to borrowing library equipment.
  • Library Reserves and library use only (LUO) materials are located at the BIC Help Desk and are checked out for 3 hours at a time.  These materials may not be removed from the building.
  • Course Reserves, InterLibrary Loan and PASCAL Delivers materials may be checked out from the Thompson Circulation Desk. The loan period for these materials is set by the lending library.

Fines & Fees:

  • University Libraries owned materials and equipment not returned by the last day of the semester or returned damaged are billed the full replacement or repair cost and transferred to the Office of Student Accounts for collection.
  • Library Use Only materials are due at the time designated on the checkout receipt sent to your CCU email at the time of check out.  Items not returned on time may result in the loss of LUO borrowing privileges.  Lost Library Use Only materials will be billed the full replacement cost and transferred to the Office of Student Accounts for collection.
  • Materials borrowed on your behalf from another library (ILL & PASCAL Delivers) that are not returned by the due date will be billed at the full replacement cost and transferred to the Office of Student Accounts for collection.

CCU Faculty & Staff

CCU Current & Emeritus Faculty & Staff

A valid CINO card is required to borrow materials from the library.

Borrowing Materials:

  • University Libraries owned print materials are loaned for the entire semester. These materials may be renewed prior to their due date, provided there is not an outstanding borrowing request by another library patron.
  • Equipment is located at the Thompson Circulation Desk and are available for checkout by Faculty and Staff.
  • Lending laptops and MacBooks are limited to use by new faculty who have not yet received their university assigned computer or while faculty/staff assigned computers are being repaired by ITS.
  • Library equipment checks out for the entire semester and cannot be renewed. A completed Equipment Liability form is required prior to borrowing library equipment.
  • Faculty iPads are available for checkout at the Thompson Circulation Desk. iPads are checked out by fiscal year with a due date of June 30th. Renewals are based on direction from University Administration.
  • Course Reserves are made available to CCU students at the Thompson Circulation Desk. These items are for library use only and lend for 3 hours. 
  • Library Reserves, phone chargers and all other library use only (LUO) materials are located at the BIC Help Desk and are checked out for 3 hours at a time.  These materials may not be removed from the building.
  • InterLibrary Loan and PASCAL Delivers materials are checked out at the Thompson Circulation Desk. You will receive a email confirmation when your requested items are ready for pick up. InterLibrary Loan material loan periods and renewals are set by the lending library.  PASCAL Delivers items have a loan period of 12 weeks with no renewal.

Fines & Fees:

  • Overdue materials or equipment may result in the loss of library borrowing privileges.  Lost or damaged materials and equipment will be billed at the full replacement cost. Unpaid library fees will result in the loss of library privileges.

Scholars Academy Faculty & Staff

Scholars Academy Staff & Faculty

A valid CINO card is required to borrow materials from the library.

Borrowing Materials:

  • University Libraries owned materials are loaned for the entire semester. These materials may be renewed prior to their due date, provided there is not an outstanding borrowing request by another library patron.
  • Course Reserves, Library Reserves, phone chargers and all other library use only (LUO) materials are located at the BIC Help Desk and are checked out for 3 hours at a time.  These materials may not be removed from the building.
  • Please request renewal of all borrowed materials prior to the due date.

Fines & Fees:

  • Overdue materials or equipment may result in the loss of library borrowing privileges. Lost or damaged materials and equipment will be billed at the full replacement cost. Unpaid library fees will result in the loss of library privileges.

Horry County & Georgetown County Public School Teachers

Horry County & Georgetown County Public School Teachers

A valid SC Driver's License or State ID with current home address is required to borrow materials from the library.

Borrowing Materials:

Fines & Fees:

  • Overdue items may result in the loss of library borrowing privileges.
  • Lost or damaged materials will be billed at the full replacement cost.
  • Please contact the Circulation Desk to arrange payment for lost or damaged items.  You may call 843-349-2400 during business hours or email

CCU Alumni Association Members

CCU Alumni Association Members

A current Alumni Assoc. membership card and state issued driver’s license or ID are required to establish a University Libraries Borrowing Card and to check out materials.


  • University Libraries owned print materials (10 item maximum) are loaned for the entire semester and cannot be renewed. Please use the patron borrowing request form and you will be notified by email when the requested material is available at the Thompson Circulation Desk.
  • Library Use Only materials (phone/laptop chargers, reserves etc.) are located at the BIC Help Desk and Thompson Circulation Desk are checked out for 3 hours at a time.  These materials may not be removed from the building.

Fines & Fees:

  • Overdue materials or equipment may result in the loss of library borrowing privileges. 
  • Lost or damaged materials and equipment will be billed at the full replacement cost. Unpaid library fees will result in the loss of library privileges.
  • Please contact the Thompson Circulation Desk to arrange payment for lost or damaged items.  You may call 843-349-2400 during business hours or email

CCU Campus Affiliates

Employee Affiliates

A valid CINO card is required to borrow materials from the library.

Borrowing Materials:

  • University Libraries owned print materials (10 item maximum) are loaned for the entire semester and cannot be renewed. You will receive an email when your requested materials are available for pick up at the Thompson Library Circulation Desk.
  • Library Use Only materials (phone/laptop chargers, reserves etc.) are located at the Thompson Circulation Desk and BIC Help Desk and are checked out for 3 hours at a time.  These materials may not be removed from the buildings.

Fines & Fees:

  • Overdue materials or equipment may result in the loss of library borrowing privileges. 
  • Lost or damaged materials and equipment will be billed at the full replacement cost.
  • Unpaid library fees will result in the loss of library privileges.
  • Please contact the Circulation Desk to arrange payment for lost or damaged items.  You may call 843-349-2400 during business hours or email

Horry Georgetown Technical College

Horry Georgetown Technical College

  • HGTC students and employees must present their valid H Card when borrowing University Libraries owned materials.
  • All borrowing requests for CCU library materials will be processed through your HGTC library account using PASCAL Visiting Patron with loan limits, due dates and replacement costs set by PASCAL Delivers.

Community Patrons

Community Patrons

A valid Community Patron Card and SC State ID or Driver's License is required.

Borrowing materials:

  • Residents of Horry & Georgetown counties aged 19 and over may obtain a Community Patron borrowing card from the Thompson Circulation Desk by presenting a current South Carolina Driver’s License or State ID. Please complete and submit your CCU University Library card request online and you will be emailed when your card and/or requested materials are available for pick up.
  • A valid email address is required.
  • Community patrons may borrow up to 2 University Libraries owned materials for a 2-week loan period. Borrowed materials may be renewed once. Please visit the library's website to search online for materials and complete the online request form. You will be notified by email when the items are available for checkout.

Fines & Fees:

  • Materials not returned by the due date will result in the loss of library borrowing privileges. Lost and/or damaged materials will be billed the full replacement cost.
  • Lost or damaged material fees must be paid via personal check or cashier’s check. The library does not accept cash or credit cards for payment. Unpaid library fees may be referred for collection.

Computer Use

  • Library owned desktop computers and Macs are available for your use.
  • Library usage may be restricted or limited during peak hours/days and Exams.

Online Resources

  • Online Resources are only available for use in the library buildings. You may access these items using the desktop computers in the Bryan Information Commons, or on your personal device by signing into the CCU Guest wifi in any CCU Library building. CCU Guest wifi password and instructions for use are available at the Thompson Library Circulation Desk or the Peter Bolton Help Desk located in the Bryan Information Commons.