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Faculty Toolkit: Instruction

Library Instruction

Information Literacy, Digital Literacy, and Makerspace

Librarians provide hands-on course integrated instruction that reinforce or scaffold student skills. We base our lesson plans off your research assignment, selecting resources and designing activities to support students. Instructors can request to meet in one of the library's instruction spaces or to have the librarian come to their regular classroom or to meet virtually. 

scheduling a session

To schedule library instruction:

  • Choose a date when you and your class can visit the library (we need you there).
    • Plan to discuss the research assignment with students before the library session
    • Consider your assignment’s due date when choosing a library session date
    • Make the request at least two weeks in advance
  • Fill out the online form.  You’ll need this information:
    • Course number, section, number of students
    • Date and time of class
    • Nature of research assignment (research paper, speech, bibliography, poster, literature review, etc.)
    • Which resources or skills you’d like your students to use or practice
    • Any known accommodations
  • After your library session is scheduled, talk with your librarian. They want to work with you to design your library session:
    • Share your assignment sheet or syllabus
    • Talk about your expectations for your students’ research
    • Discuss whether you would like the session to include workshop time for students or to focus on in-class activities instead

In Person Options

In-person library instruction is available in the following rooms at the library. We can also come to your classroom as well.

  • KLIB 203: Contains 30 desktop computers
  • KLIB 220: Seminar space that seats 16.  Laptops are available for students that do not bring their own.
  • BICL 234: 22 individual student desks.  Laptops are available for students that do not bring their own.
  • KLIB 110: Library Makerspace

To better accommodate your course schedule and maintain safety measures, we can provide library instruction online in multiple ways.

  • Synchronous Lesson via Zoom or Microsoft Teams
  • Asynchronous, Pre-Recorded Video Lesson
  • Existing Library Tutorial Videos
  • Custom Course-Based Research Guide
  • Embedding in Moodle Assignments & Discussion Boards
  • Required One-on-One Consultations with Students