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Faculty Toolkit: Research Appts

Research Appointments

In-Depth Sessions with Librarian Experts

The Appointment

Students and faculty can get expert research assistance by scheduling an in-person or online research consultation appointment:

  • You can choose an appointment to meet with a specific librarian (find a list of which librarians work with each department online here) or simply choose a convenient appointment from the online calendar. 
  • Consultations with specially trained undergraduate peer research assistants are also available during evening hours.   
  • Librarians are happy to confirm student attendance at research appointments on request for faculty who would like to require or offer extra credit for appointments.
  • Please encourage your students to take advantage of this library service by adding it to your syllabus and telling your students about it.

appointment topics

What kinds of things can you or your students ask for help with during a research consultation?

  • strategies for locating books, articles, journals, statistics, government reports, primary sources, or other resources needed.
  • identifying databases, online archives, or other places to search for needed resources.
  • help with locating or tracking down specific items or assistance with requesting items from other libraries.
  • learning more about keyword searching, subject searching, and other strategies for efficient and effective searches.
  • assistance with strategies for evaluating sources to determine whether or not they are scholarly or credible.
  • help with creating citations for sources using online tools or citation style manuals.

schedule an appointment

Use the links below to schedule an appointment. Appointments are generally available M-F 8-5pm, but can be reserved outside of that time by contacting or a specific librarian.

In-Person Research Appointment

Online Research Appointment